Slovensko ljudsko gledališče Celje, 15. april 2017
9. International Competition of Young Dance Performers
OPUS 1 – Short Dance Piece 2017
Slovenian National Theatre Celje
Saturday, 15 April 2017
"Vsi ljudje smo tudi sanjajoča bitja. Sanje povezujejo človeštvo." / Jack Kerouac
Navdih nas lahko preseneti v najbolj nepričakovanih trenutkih in pogosto se najbolj ustvarjalne ideje pojavijo med spanjem. Sanje so čudovit vir idej in navdiha. Predstavljajo umik iz realnosti v stanje raziskovanja domišljije in želja. Vstop v sanje sproži izkušnjo nepričakovanih podob, povezav, prostorov, glasov. Še posebej močan pomen so jim pripisovali nadrealisti. Prepričani so bili, da so umetniška dela, ki so produkt podzavesti posameznika, bolj učinkovita in verodostojna kot katerikoli produkt zavestne misli. Na nadrealizem so v veliki meri vplivale nove ideje v psihoanalizi in delo Sigmunda Freuda. Freud je trdil, da so vse naše sanje, pa četudi čudne in strašne, v bistvu naše želje. Sanje so, je trdil Freud, "kraljevska pot do nezavednega".
Skoraj 30 let je znameniti italijanski filmski režiser Federico Fellini zapisoval in ilustriral svoje sanje, ki so zbrane v knjigi “Knjiga sanj”. Že kot otrok je Fellini svojo posteljo imenoval kino: “Predstava se je začela takoj, ko sem zaprl oči”.
Zaprimo oči in se odpravimo na pot neznanega in presenetljivega.
"All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together." / Jack Kerouac
Inspiration can strike at the most unexpected moments, and the best creative ideas often occur while we’re sleeping. Dreams can be a wonderful source of ideas and inspiration. They represent a withdrawal from reality into a state of exploring imagination and desires. Entering the dream state initiates an experience of unexpected images, connections, spaces, voices.
Surrealists especially attributed great importance to the dreams. They believed that the creativity that came from deep within a person’s subconscious could be more powerful and authentic than any product of conscious thought. Surrealism was influenced in large part by new ideas in psychiatry and the clinical work of Sigmund Freud. Freud would argue that all our dreams, however odd or terrifying, are wishes. Dreams, Freud concluded, are "the royal road to the unconscious".
The famous Italian movie director Federico Fellini wrote down and illustrated his dreams for almost 30 years, collecting them in his “The Book of Dreams”. Already as a child, Fellini called his bed a cinema: “The show started as soon as I shut my eyes.”
Let us close our eyes as well and get on the path of the surprising and unknown.
Sobota / Saturday, 15 April 2017
17.00 – 18.30
SLG Celje
Tekmovanje za starostno skupino B / The first part of the competition for dancers from group B
18.45 – 20.15
SLG Celje
Tekmovanje za starostno skupino C / The second part of the competition for dancers from group C
Plesni Forum Celje
Plesna predstava / DanceperformancePainful Life / Carolyn Prokopidis in / and